
Schools & Youth Serving Organizations: For Students

Available to present Monday - Saturday between 8 am and 8 pm

Body Safety for Elementary
Review outdoor, household, & personal safety rules and discuss consent & respect in relation to body safety rules. Children also learn the difference between secrets & surprises and develop a personal safety network of adults they can trust if they need help.

Healthy Relationships for Teens
Help students recognize potentially dangerous situations and explore how to use their personal power to set boundaries, how to say "No", and how to get help.

Trauma & Toxic Stress
Learn how trauma & toxic stress affects the brain, including how children’s experiences can impact behavior and even physical and mental health in adulthood. Learn how the power of relationships and attachment work to strengthen resiliency within peer groups, families and communities.

Boundaries, Safety & Consent for Kids
This 6 week program will help children understand bodily autonomy, how to develop boundaries, some of the differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships, and what to do if they or someone they know needs help. Topics include: Self-Esteem & Personal Power, Fitting-In & Acceptance, Grooming & Boundaries…and more! This program includes elementary, middle school and developmentally includes option for children of any age who experience neuro divergence.

Infant Safety
Explore the effects of Shaken Baby Syndrome and learn strategies to reduce stress when caring for an infant. Learn how to help reduce the risk of SIDS and other sleep related causes of infant death.

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