Bike Safety

It's #SafeSummerSaturday : Let's Talk About Bike Safety!

Here are some essential tips to ensure kids have a blast while cycling. Make sure to share these tips with your kids and friends!

1️. Always wear a helmet: It's the #1 rule! A properly fitted helmet can protect our heads and prevent serious injuries.

2️. Check those brakes: Before each ride, inspect the brakes to make sure they're working smoothly.

3️. Be Visible: Dress in bright colors and encourage the use of reflectors and lights, especially during low-light conditions.

4️. Stay on designated paths: If possible, choose safe biking areas like parks or paths away from traffic. Teach kids to respect traffic rules when cycling on the road.

5️. Look both ways: Teach kids to always stop, look both ways, and listen for oncoming traffic before crossing streets. Caution is key!

6️. Stay focused: Remind them to avoid distractions while riding, like using phones or wearing headphones. Keeping their eyes and ears on the road is vital.

7️. Ride with a buddy: Encourage group biking with friends or family members. It's not only more enjoyable but also adds an extra layer of safety.

8️. Communicate hand signals: Teach kids essential hand signals like left, right, and stop, to communicate with others on the road.

9️. Be aware of surroundings: Keep an eye out for pedestrians, other cyclists, and potential hazards like potholes or debris.

10. Practice, practice, practice: The more they ride, the more confident they'll become. Practice in safe areas until they feel comfortable navigating different situations.

Let's ensure our little cyclists are equipped with knowledge and awareness to stay safe while having a blast on their bikes! 🥳🌈🌟 #BikeSafetyForKids #SafetyFirst


Thank You, West Bloomfield Police Foundation!


Importance of Spatial Awareness